Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hold Off Ordering Slow Moving Items

Let us suppose that you have an item in stock that has not sold in the last couple of years. Suppose also that you sell that item today. Experience shows that often in this situation, the customer that bought this item made a mistake and the item will be returned. Most store pos systems will order up a stocking item as soon as it is time to reorder. Now if the item is returned, you may have two of the slow moving item in stock because it is hard to return stocking items. MIB has a solution for this problem. You can have MIB hold off ordering slow moving items for several days. After some specified number of days, MIB will order the item if it has not been returned. If an item has not sold in the last couple of years, the chances of selling two of them in several days is slim. In this way you can spend your inventory dollars on items more likely to sell.

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