Friday, February 19, 2010

Selling With a Smile

There is a lyric for an Eagle's song that goes something like "Some women know how to open a door with just a smile." These same women can do wonders selling with just a smile. In particular I think about an associate that owned and operated an auto parts store for several years. She had a woman working for her that had a special talent selling with just a smile. Even now some 25 or so years later she talks about this woman's ability to sell. When a man walked in the door of the store, this woman had a talent for estimating how much money he had in his pocket. She made it her goal to take every cent of it. What is more, she did it and the man walked out the door a happy customer and a smile from the woman. Often she was able to sell at list price. Of course, she was allowed to set the selling price on their STORE POS SYSTEM at the time of sale.

There are a couple of other out of the ordinary selling situations with women that I can remember. One woman would lean forward on the counter when talking to men. She got a lot of attention and brought in many regular customers. However, sometimes that attention can cause problems. One parts store had a young attractive woman delivering parts to repair shops. When she arrived at a repair shop, all work stopped until she left. That was all well and good until the wives of the repair shop owners noticed this and complained to the parts store owner. The young woman was soon history and the replacement driver was a pleasant lady in her 60s.

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